The Jean Monnet Chair Reforzar los valores de la UE. El papel de la ciudadanía activa collaborates with the UMH Legal Clinic Chair in the organization of the IX meeting of the Network of Legal Clinics of Spanish Universities to be held next Friday, October 15 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in online format.

In addition, Professor Elena Crespo Navarro, Jean Monnet Chair holder, will moderate the third panel, entitled “Legal clinics in Europe”.

There is no capacity limit, but registration is required in this form:

The Meeting will be broadcast through the channel

More information on the Blog of the UMH Legal Clinic Chair ( ) and on the blog of the Spanish Network of Legal Clinics (

Poster IX encuentro clinicas juridicas

Program – IX ENCUENTRO clinicas juridicas