A team of UMH DADE students participates in the V International Litigation Competition, to be held in Bogotá from July 5 to 8, 2022.

The UMH team, made up of 5th year DADE students, will participate in the oral phase of the V International Litigation Competition, organized by the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) and the Nueva Granada Military University (Bogotá, Colombia).

The Competition consists of the defense of a hypothetical case before the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights and is divided into two phases (written and oral).

After the completion of the written phase, in which the members of the UMH team have successfully defended the position of a fictitious State in a case relating to an individual lawsuit related to an abortion case in which the right to life and the family life project, a part of the team will intervene, as representatives of the State, in the oral phase of the procedure, which will take place in Bogotá between July 5 and 8 2022 and in which they will compete with other 18 teams from different Universities from several Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru).

This teaching innovation and internationalization project has been coordinated, from the Jean Monnet Chair of the UMH, by the professor of the Area of ​​Public International Law and International Relations, Elena Crespo Navarro, and has had the support of the Office of the Vice President for International Relations and the Department of Legal Science of the UMH.

The team is made up of DADE students, Helena Bonet Jaén, Marcia Bikié Motogó Mengue, Rocío M. Pozo Tomás and Fanny Rivero Terol, along with coaches Adela Rodríguez Mañogil and Alessandra Nasoni, PHD students of the Program in Legal Science at the UMH.

SEE NEWS HERE: https://comunicacion.umh.es/2022/07/05/estudiantes-de-la-umh-participan-en-colombia-en-la-v-competicion-en-litigacion-internacional/