The UMH Jean Monnet Chair Reforzar los valores de la UE: el papel de la ciudadanía activa organizes, with the co-financing of European Union’s Erasmus + Program (Jean Monnet Program), the III Conference on the values of the European Union at the present time.
This activity, coordinated by the UMH Professor Elena Crespo Navarro (Jean Monnet Chair Holder), is aimed not only at students of the Degrees in Law, Political Science and Public Management, DADE, ADE, Journalism or Labor Relations, but also from other Degrees less related to studies on European integration, as well as Masters and PhD students, students of the University Classrooms of Experience (AUNEX), secondary school teachers, lawyers, attorneys, members of associations, unions and NGOs , and at general public.
The Conference will take place, in the format of round tables, on April 7 and May 12, 2022, at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, in classrooms 1.2 and 1.7 of the Arenals Building (Elche Campus).
The first session will be held on Thursday, April 7, starting at 4:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Alcalá and Professor Jean Monnet, will participate in this first round table, with a presentation entitled “How do disinformation campaigns affect European Union values”, Prof. Dr. Araceli Mangas Martín, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid and Full Member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Spain, with a presentation entitled “Turn in the defense of the values of the European Union: the war in Ukraine” and Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Gálvez, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Cádiz and Director of the Center of Excellence Jean Monnet Migration and Human Rights in Europe’s External Borders, with a presentation entitled “Refuge, immigration and the values of Europe”. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Elena Crespo Navarro, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University Miguel Hernández of Elche and Jean Monnet Chair holder.
The second session will take place on Thursday, May 12 at 4:00 p.m. with a round table in which Prof. Dr. Luis Norberto González Alonso, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Salamanca and Director of the European Documentation Center- Europe Center -Direct, with a presentation entitled “The values of the EU and its security and defense policy: reflections in light of the war in Ukraine”, Prof. Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Alcalá, with a presentation entitled “Transnational companies and protection of human rights in the external action of the European Union” and Prof. Dr. Ángel Sánchez Legido, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Castilla La Mancha, with a presentation entitled “Syria 2015/Ukraine 2022: Two different models of response to refugee crises. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Elena Crespo Navarro, Jean Monnet Chair holder.
Díptych III Jornadas sobre los valores de la UE UMH