The Jean Monnet Chair of the UMH “Reforzar los valores de la UE. El papel de la ciudadanía activa” organizes, with the subsidy of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana (Resolution of June 6, 2021) the International Conference: The Conference on the future of Europe.

This activity, directed by Prof. Dra. Elena Crespo Navarro, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the UMH and Jean Monnet Chair holder, will take place on November 24 and December 1, 2021 in classrooms 0.1 and 0.2 of the Arenals Building (Campus of Elche).

The purpose of the Conference will be to reflect on the challenges that the EU is currently facing and on what its priorities should be in the coming years in order to face such challenges, improving its resilience to economic and health crises.

The objectives of the activity are: To promote debate and reflection on the challenges that the EU has to face in the coming years. Provide citizens with a meeting space for an open and inclusive debate on issues related to EU action areas affecting their daily lives. To give all stakeholders the opportunity to make their voices heard and participate in shaping future EU policies and actions, promoting constructive conversations focused on finding solutions to problems and fostering understanding and the search for consensus. To develop ideas collectively through teamwork, based on prior knowledge of the situation and the reflections of experts.

The Conference is aimed at all citizens and consists of three round tables and a participatory practical workshop.

The first Conference, which will take place on November 24th  in Classroom 0.2 of the Arenals Building , consists of two round tables in which expert professors in the field from different Spanish and Italian Universities will participate, which will favor the exchange of ideas, reflection and debate.

The first round table, Wednesday, November 24th at 10:15 a.m., will feature the participation of Prof. Dr. Valentín Bou Franch , Professor of Public International Law and International Relations and Jean Monnet “European Values” Chair holder at the University of Valencia, Prof. Dr. Jaume Ferrer Lloret, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations and Coordinator of the Inter-University Center for European Studies at the University of Alicante, Profa. Dr. Marta Sobrido Prieto, Associate Professor of Public International Law at the University of A Coruña and Profa. Dr. Elena Crespo Navarro, UMH Jean Monnet Chair holder.

In the second round table, Wednesday, November 24th at 12:15 p.m., three Italian professors will intervene as speakers: Prof. Dr. Leonardo Pasquali, Associato di Diritto Internazionale, Responsabile Modulo Jean Monnet Solidarity in EU Law, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. University of Pisa (Italy), Prof. Dr. Simone Vezzani, Associato di Diritto dell’Unione Europea e Tutela dei diritti umani, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. University of Perugia (Italy), Prof. Dr. Teresa Russo, Associato di Diritto dell’Unione Europea, Responsabile Modulo Jean Monnet EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche. Università di Salerno (Italy) and Prof. Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. University of Alcala.

The Second Conference will take place on Wednesday, December 1st , 2021 and is made up of two different activities. A round table will take place in the morning, followed in the afternoon by a participatory practical workshop entitled Strengthening the values of the European Union. The role of citizenship, which is incorporated as an event of the Conference. Conference Event Link.

The round table on December 1st  will take place at 12:30 hours in Classroom 0.2 Arenals Building and will feature the participation of two renowned specialists as speakers: Prof. Dra. Araceli Mangas Martín, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid and Full Member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of Spain, and Prof. Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Alcalá. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dra. Elena Crespo Navarro.

In the practical workshop (4:30 p.m. Classroom 0.1 Arenals Building) the leading role passes directly and fully to the participants. Based on the ideas presented by the experts in the round tables, the workshop will reflect on the need to strengthen EU values and on the role that citizens can play in this. This activity will be devoted, firstly, to briefly explaining the functioning of the Conference platform on the future of Europe and and the way in which ideas can be proposed through it or comment on ideas already proposed by others and, secondly, to the presentation of ideas by the participants themselves who will discuss them and prepare specific proposals by drafting a final report, with the assistance of the moderators, which will be submitted to the Conference platform. The workshop will take place in three steps: approach and discussion of ideas on EU challenges and priorities; identification of issues and challenges and proposal of solutions. The activity will end with the preparation of a common report that will be uploaded to the Conference platform.

The workshop will be moderated by two PhD students of the Doctoral Program in Social and Legal Sciences, Ms. Alessandra Nasoni and Ms. Adela Rodríguez Mañogil and by a Double Degree in Business Administration and Law student, collaborator of the Department of Legal Science, Ms. Rocío Pozo Tomás.

Do not hesitate to participate.

A certificate of attendance will be delivered to those who attend the workshop and at least two conferences and request it when completing the REGISTRATION FORM



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