The Jean Monnet Chair Renforcer les valeurs de l’UE. Le rôle de la citoyenneté active (Area of ​​Public International Law and International Relations of the Miguel Hernández University) organizes, with a grant from the General Technical Secretariat for Defense Policy of the Spanish Ministry of Defense (order of January 25, 2021) the IX Course on Security and Defense entitled Spain in the Common Security and Defense Policy of the European Union. The role of our Armed Forces in EU international missions.

The activity, under the academic direction of Profª. Dra. Elena Crespo Navarro, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the UMH and Jean Monnet Chair holder, will take place on October 4 and 5, 2021 in classroom 0.5 of the Altabix Building (Elche Campus).

The Course consists of two round tables, each one composed of a moderator and 2 speakers, experts from different backgrounds (academic and military) to guarantee the diversity of points of view and promote the exchange of ideas, reflection and debate.

The first round table, Spain and the Common Security and Defense Policy of the European Union will be held on Monday, October 4 and will include the participation as speakers of the Capitán de Fragata de la Armada Dr. Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos, analyst and professor of the Higher Center for National Defense Studies, and Profª. Dra. Ms. Araceli Mangas Martín, Full Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and Professor of Public International Law at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Alcalá.

The second round table, The role of the Spanish Armed Forces in European Union military operations. EUTM-Mali, will take place on Tuesday, October 5 with the participation as speakers of Colonel D. Juan Billón Laá, Head of the Department of Defense Culture of the Division of Coordination and Studies of Security and Defense (General Secretariat of Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense) and Prof. Dr. Valentín Bou Franch, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Valencia. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. D. Francisco Pascual Vives, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Alcalá.

The main objective of the activity is to promote among civil society and, in articularly, among the university community, knowledge, debate and reflection on the work of the Spanish Armed Forces, and its vital importance and necessity to guarantee the defense of our country in an environment of international peace and security given the current strategic backdrop. Increase their visibility and contribute to the progressive creation of a culture of defense among the civilian population and especially among the university community.

It is an activity aimed at university students of the Degrees in Law, Political Science and Public Management, Journalism …, but also to students of other Degrees whose curricula do not address the study of these topics (Physical Education Sciences and sports, Medicine, Engineering …), to those over 55 years of the “Sabiex” Program of the UMH, as well as to the rest of the university community and other sectors of the public.

Certificate of attendance will be delivered to those who, having attended the two round tables, request it by completing the following CERTIFIED APPLICATION FORM

Díptych IX Curso sobre Seguridad y Defensa UMH 2021

Poster IX Curso sobre seguridad y Defensa UMH 2021