The Area of Public International Law and International Relations of the Miguel Hernández University organizes with the financing of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana (Resolution of August 24, 2022, granting grants for training and dissemination activities in the field of European Union and external action) the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: 2022-EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH.

This activity, directed by Prof. Dr. Elena Crespo Navarro, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the Miguel Hernández University and Jean Monnet Chair holder, will take place on October 17th and 18th, 2022 in the Assembly Hall of the Building Quórum 1 (Elche Campus) in morning and afternoon hours.

The OBJECTIVE of the Conference is to improve knowledge of the EU among the youngest citizens, reinforcing the values of the EU through the promotion of reflective debate from an intergenerational environment; promote constructive conversations between young people and not so young people based on tolerance and respect focused on finding solutions to problems; develop ideas collectively through teamwork; promote understanding and the search for consensus on issues that affect people’s daily lives, thereby helping to empower them and facilitating the use of the opportunities that the EU offers to youth.

The Conferences are mainly AIMED AT young people, but not exclusively. They are open to the entire university community (Bachelor, Master or PhD students), PDI, PAS and AUNEX students), students and teachers of ESO, High School students, and the general public.

The FIRST CONFERENCE, on October 17, consists of three round tables in which expert professors in the field from different Spanish and Italian Universities will participate, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, reflection and debate.

Round Table no. 1 will begin at 11:15 a.m. and will include the participation of Prof. Dr. Leonardo Pasquali, Associato di Diritto Internazionale, and Jean Monnet Chair holder at the Faculty of Law, University of Pisa (Italy), and Prof. Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Alcalá. The table will be moderated by Prof. Dra. Elena Crespo Navarro, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University Miguel Hernández.

Round Table no. 2  will begin at 12:40 p.m. and will be formed by Prof. Dr. Marta Sobrido Prieto, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of A Coruña, Prof. Dr. Simone Vezzani, Associato di Diritto dell’ Unione Europea at the University of Perugia (Italy) and Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Carta, Researcher of the Faculty of Law at the University of Perugia (Italy). The table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Alcalá.

Round Table no. 3 , starting at at 6:00 p.m., will be composed, as speakers, by Prof. Dr. Valentín Bou Franch , Professor of Public International Law and International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair Holder at the University of Valencia and Prof. Dr. Jaume Ferrer Lloret, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair holder at the University of Alicante as well as Prof. Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives , from the University of Alcalá, as moderator.

The SECOND CONFERENCE, on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, will consist of two different activities. In the morning there will be a ROUND TABLE made up of three experts, Ms. Ana Alonso, Head of Europe Direct Comunidad Valenciana in Alicante; Prof. Dr. Laura Aragonés Molina, Researcher in the Area of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Alcalá and Prof. Dr. Fernando Lozano Contreras, Lecturer in Public International Law and International Relations and Director of the European Documentation Center of the University of Alcala. The round table will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Elena Crespo Navarro from the UMH. The panel will explain the different learning-training, mobility and employment opportunities for youth in the European Union, highlighting the role of Europe Direct and European Documentation Centers.

In the afternoon, a PARTICIPATORY PRACTICAL WORKSHOP will be held in two sessions in which the leading role passes directly and fully to the participants.

The first session of the workshop will be devoted, first, to briefly explaining the opportunities offered by the EU to youth through different mechanisms and platforms, followed by a short questionnaire (through Kahoot! platform ) on what was discussed in the round tables and in the workshop and then will be presented The European Year of Youth Digital Platform and how ideas can be put forward through it. Finally, topics of interest for further discussion will be selected. In the second session, working groups will be formed to discuss with the moderators the topics chosen by the participants themselves. Afterwards the interaction between groups, specific proposals will be made and presented through voice messages in the section “voice to your vision” of The European Year of Youth Digital Platform.

The workshop will be moderated by Ms. Adela Rodríguez Mañogil, Professor of the Area of Public International Law and International Relations at the UMH, together with Ms. Alessandra Nasoni, PhD student of the Doctoral Program in Social and Legal Sciences and Ms. Rocío Pozo Tomás, collaborating student of the Area of Public International Law and International Relations of the UMH.

A certificate of attendance will be delivered to those who attend the workshop and at least two conferences and request it by completing the following REGISTRATION FORM